Give It a Spin: “Halloween Theme” by John Carpenter

You might want to lock your doors, cover your windows, and hide any and all kitchen knives before you give this one a spin–“Halloween Theme” is sure to creep up on you no matter how fast you run.

With such an odd time signature, it’s no wonder John Carpenter went full “Michael” after composing this piece. 5/4, really?? ARE YOU INSANE?!

“Yes. Yes, I am” replied Carpenter, in our interview that never happened.

The “Halloween Theme” is sincerely one of the most iconic pieces in horror-scoring history, and the scariest thing about it isn’t its complexity–it’s its simplicity. Much like the movie itself, “Halloween Theme” uses that simplicity to weave on its lap-loom of terror.

The maddening repetition – a bright and slightly unpleasant piano chimes…

…Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh DUH –
duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh DUHduh
duh duh duh duh duh duh DUH duh DUH…

The sudden contrast, a stark key change. A deep groaning builds and the envelope opens…


It’s like The Shape himself is wrapping his big, meaty, unkillable arms around you, just itching to crush your skull like a Jack O’ Lantern.  Mmm, the soundtrack to the most wonderful time of the year.

Be sure to Give It a Spin and find yourself drenched in Halloween fear cheer!