Give It a Spin: “Strength to Stay” by Dance Bullies – Song Premiere

Today, Midwest Action is proud to premiere “Strength to Stay” by Chicago-based outfit, Dance Bullies. “Strength to Stay” is an emotive track with vocalist Colleen Harvey’s vocals simply radiating power. The supporting pedal steel guitar, violin, and harmonies by Nora O’Connor (Iron & Wine, Andrew Bird) all blend into one wonderful composition that helps uphold the track’s strong narrative.

“Strength to Stay” is one beautiful song off of an overwhelmingly beautiful self-titled EP. Listen to it below:

Pre-order Dance Bullies’ upcoming 4-track EP here. Dance Bullies will be officially released on August 31st at Martyr’s in Chicago, and we hope you’ll join us. Show details here.

Dance Bullies Facebook | Instagram | Bandcamp