MWA Live: King Courteen, Dolores, Oketo, and The Midwestern Charm at Linneman’s Riverwest Inn – 2/27 Guest Contributor LiveMusic March 19, 2015 0 153Article submitted courtesy of Grant Steskal. On an arctic Friday night here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the city was alive with the...
MWA Approved: The Holy Alimonies, The Dirty Pigeons, The Midwestern Charm, and Mooner at Burlington – 8/22 Dan Jarvis MusicShow Preview August 21, 2014 0 17We love our fine Chicago music scene, but what we love even more is integrating the rest of the Midwest...
MWA Premiere: “Bloodbath” by The Midwestern Charm Alyssa Welch Give It a SpinMusicPremiere July 25, 2014 0 295Milwaukee’s The Midwestern Charm is prepping to release a new album. Their second full-length release, Growing Pains, will be out...