The listener is bound only by the limits of their own imagination to decide whether we are being asked to stay rad forever or told to.
Vaya has a way of tricking the listener. We at once hear layers of sound that mask the stripped down arrangements of just three skinny dudes with the opening track coming into existence as if everything was falling down the stairs. I propose we are being tricked in some strange scientific manner. They bring to us pure rock at it’s heaviest and meanest, and almost, seemingly for their own amusement, all while confusing us with complicated guitar arrangements.
“Too Much Entertainment” is exactly how I feel. The break in this song perfectly portrays the entertainment business’s way of radiating self advertising sensationalistic media buzz, where “buzz” is a noun trampled by its failure to convey the true scope of the machine. Jeff Kelley’s guitar and vocals are a near cry for help whose overstimulated refrain just chatters my teeth.
One of the wonders of this incredible trio is its rhythm section, Kevin Claxton on the baritone guitar and Eric Ridder on the skins. These two can lock a groove that only repeats in its lowest registers.
The true beauty of this release comes after all the energy starts to become relentless. The last half of the final number features more subtlety. In some way the listener finds a distance from the music, fades back and allows a manic guitar track take it out. That is my favorite moment of the whole record, when the guitar reminds me of a Silkworm esque lead line; blasts past the final punctuation, with complete disregard to order and theory. That is how you stay rad.
Stay Rad Forever Pt. 1 is available for Pre-Order on cassette or CD via bandcamp. You can stream it all you want for now and pick up a copy in person at the May 2nd release show at Young Camelot with Oshwa, Grandkids, Sexy Fights and more!
RSVP on facebook for all the details.