A Punk Survey – Part I

Over the next few articles, I’m going to attempt give you a survey of some punk adjacent bands that I believe are worth your time. Although it’s by no means exhaustive, hopefully you find your new favorite band. I hope that for any punk deniers, you can come to the realization of the multiplicities that exist within the genre.

Just Give Me That Straight Sugar, None Of That Boring Seltzer

These are bands for the impatient ones. For those people who think all songs should only last two minutes or less. You can run through each of the artists releases in 15 minutes or less. But, there are multiple components within each songs structure to keep you intrigued. There is no part in a song that feels needless. There is an intent in these bite sized songs.

Horrible Things

Horrible Things is the musical equivalent of eating Doritos Cool Ranch. Each bite is sensuous and impermanent. There’s a feedback loop in which the participant keeps on stuffing their face. The band is daring you to play the song again and again. It’s in these very short minute bursts that Horrible Things exists and thrives.

Oscar Bait

Self-described as “Disney hardcore,” need I say more? Not “hard” enough for hardcore, but not “poppy” enough for pop punk kids. Songs are short but not abrupt, finishing at its natural end and eschewing verse-chorus trends that is poison in pop punk. There is still a natural hookiness to many of my favorite songs. I dare you to not start repeating the chorus to VRM, in which lead singer Jim Howes proclaims “I’ll Become Good in a Couple Years.”

Below is a playlist for your listening pleasure. I’ve compiled some of my favorite songs from each band described above. Hopefully, you may find that new favorite song that just won’t let you be.

Horrible Things Bandcamp | Facebook | Instagram
Oscar Bait Bandcamp | Facebook | Instagram